Our Mission
We are dedicated to improving the lives of children living in destitute situations through nutritional and medical support.
Our Beliefs
We believe it is important for the fortunate to assist the unfortunate. Our efforts are to improve the lives of children in third world countries with the belief that they will one day be leaders in their communities. Christian ideals and moral behavior are essential to the prosperity of not only the individual, but also our world on a global level.
Our Pledge To You
We are a Christian nonprofit organization focused on supporting the growth and development of poor children living in difficult situations. Our pledge to you is that 100% of donations are used for direct support of children. We do not have paid employees and all Board Members finance the administrative functions of our activities.
Board of Directors
Michael Campbell MD, President and Founding Member
David Lucht, Treasurer
Charles Moore, Secretary
Stephen Ferguson MD, Founding Member
Gina Moore
Bobby Brawley, Founding Member (In Memoriam)
Elaine Evans (In Memoriam)